A June Wrap
Sounds tasty!
Or buggy. Not sure.
Speaking of bugs, I made a startling amount of progress on the Rap Sheet Builder in not a lot of time in June. It started with a rebranding, and ended with integrating assigning equipment to actual units. Super cool!
A feature summary is:
- Added the equipment for all crews under /equipment. This allows you to print cheat sheets of equipment for your particular crew.
- Added the strategies for all crews under /strategies. Similar to equipment, it allows you to print cheat sheets for a crew for their available strategies.
- Added a trait browser under /traits. More basic as it only allows searches, and is less useful.
- In the rap sheet builder, you can now add equipment to crew members.
- In the rap sheet builder, you can now print the current list out to a code, and can print a summary for pasting into Facebook or other forums.
Kinda awesome, really!
Painting was a bit less productive. The month started with three speedsters for BMG: Black Flash, Reverse Flash, and The Flash (CW).
Then, almost no painting for three weeks. Craziness at work, and a desire to get Bruce's Utility Belt out the door pushed painting onto te back burner.
However, the last week of June, I felt challenged to crank out a few Saga minis that had been sitting on the back burner for a while.
I kinda had fun with these , and the firm end-of-the-month stopping date helped keep their pallette more simple. I wanted to trend toward more yellows, greens, and reds to contrast against the cooler green grass.
There was some downtime while the Saga minis were drying, so I picked Gordon out of the vat of primed and 1 color painted BMG minis, and somehow finished him in two days to a reasonable level.
I may go back and add a couple white glints to the glass part of his glasses, otherwise I am really pleased with him as a tabletop+ model.
Gordon was the perfect send-off for the month. The closing totals are:
- June ending model count: 870 (+50)
- June ending painted count: 211 (+14)
- June ending painted percent: 24.25% (+0.52%)
Next month I will continue to hit Batman Miniature Game minis hard, will hopefully release Bruce's Utility Belt into the wild, and...