Eclipse Tip: Excluding Compiler Verification
On both projects that I'm doing at work and home, I'm constantly having to disable eclipse verification on certain files and folders to save time. However, I cannot ever remember how to do it. So this post is a permanent reminder for myself.
The steps are actually quite simple, just do the following:
- Right Click on the project in the Package Explorer (or similar view) and select Properties.
- Navigate the tree on the left to JavaScript->Include Path.
- Select the Source tab at the top.
- Expand both of the JS folders.
- Click the Excluded under the project you are working in and click Edit.... This will launch a new dialog.
- In Exclusion Patterns, click Add.
- Enter an ant path that you want to exclude. For example, if you don't want to compile all of the Ext JS resources in the ext-4.1 every time you make a change, add the text: **/ext-4.1/**
This should be it! You're now saving tons of time daily by not having to your excluded resources when you make an unrelated change.