The Cake Says...
You're probably wondering why I'm blogging about a talking cake. Great question! First, however, there is a minor detail that you probably need to know.
Ashlee and I are pregnant! Twenty two weeks today to be precise. Well, really it's only Ashlee that's pregnant. I'm just the supportive spouse trying to do as much as I can for her.
The fabled messenger cake, complete with androgynous birds!
After our return from our Italian adventure, Ashlee and I had the twenty week ultrasound to look forward to. Certainly an exciting looking forward. In fact, it's the kind of looking forward that morphs seconds into hours and days into weeks.
Here's where the cake-with-the-message comes in. We wanted a way to share the surprise of the gender of our baby with our families. Since my wife and I both have an undying love for cake, we figured a cake is the perfect messenger.
So we gathered our families at our house and let our parents carve the cake to their liking. To the surprise of some (quite a few guessed correctly), the cake said that our baby was a boy!
Moral of the story: always trust what the cake tells you.