Something Like Painting - Zombicide Black Plague Progress
Wow, what a month it's been painting Black Plague.
Because I think stats are fun, here's what I've accomplished in a month:
- 64 Zombies (fatties, walkers, and runners)
- 2 Abominations
- 1 Necromancer
- 7 Survivors
74 total miniatures, not bad at all for a slow painter like me!
Here comes the neighborhood...
I must admit, I'm using a cheater version of Sorastro's zombie guide. I'm not doing anything after applying the varnish, like giving the face a highlight or eye glow. I do plan on at least adding eye glow at some point, but completing the set is currently more important to me than doing them really well. Peeps be coming to play, yo!
The first six survivors, with poor lighting. Left to right: Redcap Rodney, Nelly, Ann, Lady Grimm, Cadence, and Baldric.
After knocking out Cadence and Lady Grimm, I decided that I would use the Black Plague survivors to practice cranking up the contrast when painting. I like how the extra contrast is turning out, particularly on Baldric and Nelly.
I feel like I didn't quite achieve the same level of contrast with Redcap Rodney's skin. I should have taken the highlights one tone higher, but really just wanted to be done with him.
Ann the nun close-up.
Ann is one of the first miniatures where I feel like the True Metallic Metal (TMM) turned out great. I love her armor bits. That said, I wish I had cranked up the highlights on her deep blue nun-garb. It would have made for a more dynamic figure.
Also, this is the first survivor miniature that wasn't very high quality. Some of the Zombies had problems with literal gaps in their sides, but Ann's face was nearly impossible to find detail in. This made her face near-impossible to get right, and unfortunately I settled for "good enough."
The gold embellishments are not in her character art, but I think they give a great amount of contrast to the figure, and also help me feel better about the choice of a dark blue habit instead of black/grey.
The first Necromancer.
The Necromancer was a good figure to paint. He has a lot of details, and most have enough depth to make painting them easy.
I decided to be brave and practice shading with paint instead of washes on his cloak. I started with a dark gray and shaded down to a black. I then highlighted up to a medium gray in most areas. Unfortunately, I chose to do a fast job instead of a good job, and that leaves some chalky highlights and visible lines. Considering it is a tabletop piece that is okay. However, I am uncertain if I can do a much better job than this.
I love the blue jewel though. It is a great center piece for the figure.
I posted him to the Zombicide reddit hoping for direction on how to make him better.
Finished Silas prior to varnish.
Silas is the most recent completed miniature. He had a significant miscast similar to many of the zombies. Basically, he has a 1mm gap in his right leg. In hindsight, I should have filled the gap in with green stuff and sculpted it to blend smoothly. Then again, he's just tabletop quality. The folks I play with likely won't care.
For his color palette on the green cloak, I tried using the Android Paint Palette app. It recommend that I use Reaper HD Stained Olive for shading, but when I tried it on the miniature, the green was a dark brown-green. It looks okay, but if it wasn't an exact tonal match, then I think I would have preferred a cooler dark-green.
His face had similar problems to Ann's. There wasn't clear definition for everything, and that made it difficult to paint. I tried shading under his huge cheekbones with Agrax Earthshade, and I think the effect works.
There it is! A painted, slightly bastardized Zombicide: Black Plague box. The first play will be in a couple weeks, giving me time to finish more of the Kickstarter zombies and a few additional survivors and necromancers for varied game play.