A June Wrap
Sounds tasty!
Or buggy. Not sure.
Speaking of bugs, I made a startling amount of progress on the Rap Sheet Builder in not a lot of time in June. It started with a rebranding, and ended with integrating assigning equipment to actual units. Super cool!
A feature summary is:
- Added the equipment for all crews under /equipment. This allows you to print cheat sheets of equipment for your particular crew.
- Added the strategies for all crews under /strategies. Similar to equipment, it allows you to print cheat sheets for a crew for their available strategies.
- Added a trait browser under /traits. More basic as it only allows searches, and is less useful.
- In the rap sheet builder, you can now add equipment to crew members.
- In the rap sheet builder, you can now print the current list out to a code, and can print a summary for pasting into Facebook or other forums.
Kinda awesome, really!
Painting was a bit less productive. The month started with three speedsters for BMG: Black Flash, Reverse Flash, and The Flash (CW).
The Reverse Flash, The Flash, and the Black Flash. Three speedsters for the Batman Miniature Game.
Then, almost no painting for three weeks. Craziness at work, and a desire to get Bruce's Utility Belt out the door pushed painting onto te back burner.
However, the last week of June, I felt challenged to crank out a few Saga minis that had been sitting on the back burner for a while.
An Anglo-Dane Warlord directs his most loyal warriors and warrior priest across a psychedelic battlefield.
I kinda had fun with these , and the firm end-of-the-month stopping date helped keep their pallette more simple. I wanted to trend toward more yellows, greens, and reds to contrast against the cooler green grass.
Onward! Show the Viking dogs who has the best mustaches!
There was some downtime while the Saga minis were drying, so I picked Gordon out of the vat of primed and 1 color painted BMG minis, and somehow finished him in two days to a reasonable level.
James Gordon as an old man. He was really a fun mini to paint, and deserves better pictures.
I may go back and add a couple white glints to the glass part of his glasses, otherwise I am really pleased with him as a tabletop+ model.
Gordon was the perfect send-off for the month. The closing totals are:
- June ending model count: 870 (+50)
- June ending painted count: 211 (+14)
- June ending painted percent: 24.25% (+0.52%)
Next month I will continue to hit Batman Miniature Game minis hard, will hopefully release Bruce's Utility Belt into the wild, and...