Finally (Almost) Getting It...
The Arrow was a sign of the next level.
Man, there should be something really clever to say about an Arrow and feeling like I am getting better at painting. The Arrow is pointing at improvement? Too obvious.
Evidence that eyes are still hard.
Oliver Queen is one of the first minis where I feel like I got it. Which is strange, because he is one color.
What I finally grok is contrast. The value of shading. The importance of pushing your highlights those extra shades brighter. It finally paid off with Ollie.
An angry hood watches over his paper towel.
The paints here range from Reaper Brown Liner, through the Reaper camo green triad, up to Vallejo Ice Yellow. Near black to a white yellow. Contrast.
His other side is also an angry side.
The lessons learned from Oliver have carried over into other models. The Gotham Police Department Officers were done faster, but with the same approach. Blue liner to shade, up through a white-blue.
Not quite Gotham's finest. A few too many donuts.
Liam Neeson was a blast to paint, and I intentionally left his skin a darker tone, focusing on bringing out the contrast of his skin.
Ra's Al Ghul - somewhere between the Batman Begins Ra's and Arrow Ra's.
Most recent was Bane and a few lackeys for 150 point Batman Miniature Game demo games. He was an interesting challenge as he is supposed to be in all black. Instead, I chose to have contrasting armor pieces and a leather jacket to make the model more interesting.
Clover, Bane, and McGregor. Mercenaries to murder the Bat with. The shadows on Bane are actually painted there. It still surprises me.
Nearly two years after starting to paint miniatures, probably close to 1000 hours of painting, I finally feel like I get it.
The feels are good.