RelicBlade Project Wrap
When I saw the first few RelicBlade minis on Ash Barker's weekly painting recap, I thought they looked cool.
Current RelicBlade Lineup. L to R: Cave Bear, Wild Elf Druid, Thief, Cleric of Justice, Questing Knight, Relic, Dark Wanderer, Dark Watcher, Pig Men Horde.
After painting my first set, I have confirmed my hypothesis.
My favorite sculpt of the box was, to my surprise, the Druid. The sculpt was clean, and little details kept popping up as I painted. She was a joy. In fact, she's the only figure on the box that I do not have a vision for the next paint.
Advocates from RelicBlade. L to R: Spirit Hammer, Cleric of Justice, Wild Elf Druid, Thief, Cave Bear, Questing Knight
The sculpt I thought I would like most was the Questing Knight. I did enjoy painting him, and like how he turned out.
I definitely have ideas for the next version. I think the sculpt has an air of tiredness to it, and I want to paint him as a seasoned adventurer wearing a hodgepodge of equipment.
Dark Wanderer and Dark Watcher from RelicBlade. A very beginner-friendly sculpt that was fun to paint.
Some other highlights were the Dark Watcher and Dark Wanderer. They are featured in the coming Bone and Darkness kickstarter, but I picked up 3 of them I the original Kickstarter.
For the third, I want to paint him more like Sauron. Dark, sinister armor with red glow in spots, and a bone white skull. I am excited to get back to this version.
The Cleric of Justice is another highlight. I still think I am bad at NMM, but I love how the NMM gold turned out on her.
The next iteration of the Cleric I want to paint is a red dragon with a flame spirit weapon. I think she'll turn out awesome.
The Pig Men of the Adversary from Relic Blade.
Probably my least favorite sculpt was the Thief. Unfortunately, she had a mould line running awkwardly over her face that negatively impacted the model. Faces are the most important part of miniatures to me, and the fact that I had to struggle to get her face close to where I wanted it was disappointing.
RelicBlade was a good 3 weeks of painting joy. I experimented with airbrushing on the Pig Men to great result. I still have 4 Adversaries (bad guys) and 5 Advocates (good guys) to paint before I am at 100%, but now it is time to play!