Reaching for the Moon

Yeah, another post about the moon from Sunday night.

After watching the Broncos successfully demolish the Lions on Sunday night, it was time to get the minion into bed.  As we crossed the street, we turned back to see the fully eclipsed super moon.

It was gorgeous. A massive world of red hovered over our neighbor's house.

The minion's response was immediate and demanding.

"Oh! Daddy, can we grab it?"

I'll stop here for a moment to say that the moon is a big deal to our big-little human. He has a moon, complete with phase changes, hanging on his wall that operates as a night light. Goodnight Moon has been read so many times that we both can recite it from memory. The closing line of another of his favorite books is "I love you right up to the moon and back." It's a frequent stall tactic of the blond-haired-ball-of-mischief to point out the moon as we go to bed.

The eclipse was going to be a big deal for him. Anyway, back to the moment.

Startled, I decided reaching for the moon was worth a shot, and lifted him as high as I could.

He couldn't quite reach it, so I set him down and tried to explain that the moon was a long way away.  This wasn't good enough for the minion.

"Dah, I gunna go git the wadder! Come on, Dah!"

We tried to reach the moon multiple times from that point, but could not quite get there. There were two things about that moment that I want to remember forever.

First was his imagination. It amazed me how creative he was in trying to solve his simple goal, reaching the moon.  He asked me to lift him as high as I could.  We jumped off of the curb, then off of taller structures in an attempt to reach it.

Second was his persistence. That low hanging moon was his, and he knew it. He just needed to keep trying ideas until he could finally grab it. The only way I could convince him to go inside was to attempt to grab the moon from the window in his room.

I'll leave you with this picture of the little dude from my brother's wedding. Keep coming up with ideas kiddo. When those fail, think of more.